Wild Soul Counseling

From frustration to freedom

Wild Soul Philosophy

If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.

-Gospel of Thomas 70-

Photo from Andrew Ly at unsplash.com

 We live in a culture that values rationality, control, and predictability above all else. This emphasis on order and convenience often comes at the cost of our innate wildness and spontaneity. However, there is a reemergence of an ancient way of knowing that values these qualities and holds wisdom that has been with us for ages. This way of knowing is embodied, spontaneous, wild, and mysterious; and it is finally waking up within us.

Despite any challenges or traumas we may have experienced, there is a deep and abiding vitality within each of us. Every breath we take is evidence of this vitality, conspiring for our life and well-being. However, we have been taught to control our emotions, ignore our dreams, and deny our intuition. This control over our deep impulses leads to a conflict within ourselves. However, when we begin to act in support of our inner impulses, we can find inner peace and transform our lives.

This is an extremely difficult thing to do in a culture that incessantly tells us to be reasonable and stay in line. This is why it is so important for us to find time and space for ourselves where we have full permission to connect with whatever is deepest and most authentic within us. This can take place in certain forms of dance, creative expression, while wandering in wild places, or while in the presence of another person who truly welcomes our full expression.

Learning to trust ourselves and allow our innate healing intelligence to guide us can be a challenging process. Though, it can also happen quickly and with ease. Even more, it is a truly revolutionary act that can lead to profound transformation. When approached with trust and curiosity, even our disturbances we can connect with our Wild Soul. Then we can live with a different attitude, where our challenges are not obstacles to be overcome, but doorways to our deepest selves.

Let's get started!

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