Within each of us there is a secret, hidden life that longs to be lived fully. This life isn’t bound by social conventions but is wildly spontaneous and free. This is what many have called Soul...
This life is calling to you.
Will you heed the call?
Remember who you are
Few of us live our lives fully committed to Soul. Cultural conditioning, unhealed wounds, and the specter of trauma cover over our vital, radiant hearts. Yet, we can never be completely estranged from them. Soul lives at the center of us. It is the place in us that intersects with the unfolding cosmic story, the more-than-human world, and our most fulfilling life. Soul does not send telegrams, but she is speaking to you even now...
Meet Daniel
My name is Daniel Rosenberg, SEP. I'm a Mythosomatic Coach. Through the tools of Somatic Experiencing®, I support folks in connecting with their unique soul.
After countless days, months, and years of conversation with my own soul—I am now prepared to help you meet yours. This is not therapy, though it is therapeutic. This is not traditional coaching. I do not know, nor will I pretend to know, what is best for you and your life. What I will do is guide your attention back to the elements of your own inner experience that are calling your name. We will explore the unique and particular flavor of your love and your longing. Always, I will seek to be most loyal to the earnest callings of Soul.
Meeting ourselves and surrendering to the life that lies beneath our civilized lives is challenging and demanding work. It is also the most meaningful work I know.
And I know you can do it.
What Our Clients Say
My work with Daniel has been transformative on so many levels. He is a skilled trauma practitioner and has supported me in processing things that have haunted me for years. But more importantly, he has held a container for me to connect with my deepest essence - my soul - and bring that more into the forefront of my life.
Life after my work with Dan gives me a whole new approach to responding to my thoughts and feelings. . .I feel so much more freedom and peace as a result of this process.
From my first meeting (via Zoom) with Daniel, it was clear that he was someone I could trust to truly listen and advise me in a skillful, gentle, compassionate way.
Make a choice to change your life today!
The more beautiful story that wishes to live through us requires your participation. Will you take the journey to find your unique belonging place? Or will you allow fear to keep you small? The choice is yours alone to make. We will all feel the consequences of your choice.