Within each of us there is a secret, hidden life that longs to be lived fully. This life isn’t bound by social conventions but is wildly spontaneous and free. This is what many have called Soul...

This life is calling to you.

Will you heed the call?

moss on a log

Remember who you are

Healing is not the point. Therapy is not enough. The question is not if you’re regulated, healed, or have worked through your trauma. What matters is much greater: are you living your most authentic life?
All of creation is waiting for you to take your place in the web of life. Are you ready to heed that call?

Meet Daniel

My name is Daniel Rosenberg, SEP. I'm an Embodied Transformation Coach. Through a combination of somatic practice, dream work, deep imagination practice, and soul-focused guidance—I support folks to connect with their deepest calling.

You have a unique belonging-place in the greater web of life. You have unique gifts, sensitivities, and longings. This particular place is a feature of the world. Yet when experienced internally we call it Soul.

I’ll support you to connect with Soul through the practice of Mythosomatic Coaching. This is neither therapy nor traditional coaching. It is a somatic exploration of what is most alive and real in you. Through the careful tracking of your inner experience, we will discover the threads of Soul.

Surrendering to the life that calls deeply to us is challenging and provocative. And it is the most meaningful work I know.

Will you continue to live on the surface of life or are you ready to dive towards Soul?

What my Clients Say

Counseling with Dan led to the biggest transformation of my life. He helps you hear what the voice of truth is speaking to you. The heartiest recommendation.


His unwavering attunement, inviting nature, and non-judgmental approach create a safe space where I can openly share my experiences. Daniel's perspectives and invitations have been invaluable, helping me find touchstones of safety and support that now anchor me in my daily life. His support has been instrumental in my journey toward healing and well-being.


My work with Daniel has been transformative on so many levels. He is a skilled trauma practitioner and has supported me in processing things that have haunted me for years. But more importantly, he has held a container for me to connect with my deepest essence - my soul - and bring that more into the forefront of my life. 


Make a choice to change your life today!

The more beautiful story that wishes to live through us requires your participation. Will you take the journey to find your unique belonging place? Or will you allow fear to keep you small? The choice is yours alone to make. We will all feel the consequences of your choice.

Book your free discovery call.